
Oh hi everyone . I'm back again :) Okay , I am very tired and sleepy now so i'll just let the photos do the talking and i'll head to bed .
Cabbed to checkpoint and met up with Leonard and Levyne . Of cause our first destination is City Square .
Jco Donuts
Jco Yoghurt Ice-cream 

Cabbed to a street name Jalan Chris where there is many many food , hahas .

Claypot Chicken Rice
Walk around the place after lunch because Hubb and leonard wanted to go for massage but couldn't find one suitable so we cabbed over to Holiday Plaza .
Did my nails while they went for their massage .
Bought this pouch for my make up . It was supposed to be blood red but i don't understand how come the photo turn out to be this colour -.-
Cabbed to a place name Plentong Bahru for our go- kart session after shopping there . Sibei fun wahahahas . How i wish i could drift as good as Jay Chou , hahas .
That's how OUR car looks like , hahahas . The track is sibei long okay . Where got like s'pore want . Cannot even fight lor .

The map and business card 
Cabbed back to City Sqaure and shop :) 

Had this before heading for dinner ,

Lok Lok for dinner :( they had abalone noodle too but i didn't take the photo because i never eat , hehes . 
 Hollywood , V5 club after dinner .

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